Display areas marked as heath (heide)

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Registriert: 17.04.2021, 17:40

Display areas marked as heath (heide)

Beitrag von ogrums »

I see in a previous post that the display of natural:heath has been omitted deliberately.
I wasn't aware of this until last august, when we hiked in a beautiful area with lots of blooming heather - and my GPS displayed the area as blank.
The area is marked ok as heath in the data, and I decided to (optionally) display it as such.
The bottom-up process was: make an icon for heath, select a suitable Garmin object to use, create an object for it, and make a rendering rule.

1. Create Icon
Copy area_scrub.png, rename the copy area_heath.png and change the contents (not very artistic, I know).
area_heath.png (105 Bytes) 5410 mal betrachtet
2. Select Garmin Object to use
I decided to hijack an unused (for me) Garmin object: Tundra, found in Map Composer menu Daten->Garmin Katalog.

3. Create Object
In Map Composer press Kartenobjekte, select Gestrüpp, right-click and select Kopieren.
Change ID to 52, Katalogeintrag suchen, Name to Tundra, and Icon to area_heath.png
object.png (10.52 KiB) 5410 mal betrachtet
4. Create Rule
In Map Composer press Renderregeln, select line polygon natural + scrub, Kopieren
Change Tag to heath and Kartenobjekt to Tundra
rendering.png (8.34 KiB) 5410 mal betrachtet
If you want to deactivate the rule it can be done in Wizard, under natural-heath.

Happy mapping in 2025!